
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Crocheted Heart Pin Pattern

Now here is a pretty little accessory.    Crochet it up tonight, add a small amount of stuffing and a safety pin and you can wear it tomorrow.   Crochet two, give one to a friend, and you can wear them together.   Okay, okay ... I know ... that's a bit corny.

Crochet Heart Pins Accessory Pattern

But seriously, it is a cute pin to wear on your sweater or coat.   Perhaps attach it to your bag or tote.   Make up a couple sets, on longer cords, and hang them from your car rear view mirror.    I'm sure there are dozens of options ...

This is a vintage crochet pattern; early 1940s.   It is from American Thread Company, Star Pearl Book 27.

What are you going to do with the ones you make ??

Thanks for dropping by,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crocheted Barbi Doll Clothes Pattern

This pattern set is from a vintage issue of The Workbasket.      Although the photo quality is quite poor (as is typical with the old Workbasket patterns), it creates a strapless jumpsuit, a halter dress and a two piece suit.    Certainly ensembles any respectable Barbi would love to wear.

Free Barbie Doll Crochet Outfits Pattern
 So, if you are looking for crochet patterns to delight your girl (or yourself) with new outfits, when not try this one !
Vintage Crocheted Barbie Doll Dress Pattern

Note:  If you'd like a hard copy of this, click to enlarge and then copy / paste to a word processing or notepad document. 

Thanks for dropping by,

Crocheted Acorn Pin Accessory Pattern

Crochet up a group of acorns, wrap them into a lightweight plastic belt buckle, glue on a safety pin, or better yet, a pin back, and you'll have this unique Pin to accessorize whatever outfit you might want ... or gift to your friends ... etc. etc. etc.

Crocheted Acorn Pin Pattern
This pattern is from American Thread Company, Star Pearl Book 27, going all the way back to the early 1940's.   I think it would look great on a winter coat.

Create a marvelous accessory !     Thanks for dropping by,

P.S.   If you love the acorn, here's another free pattern for a belt (acorn buckle) and a pocket.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vintage Crochet, Star Pearl Book 27

There is no date listed in this Vintage Book, Star Pearl Cotton Book 27, from American Thread Company, but I'd place it around 1943/44.   I'd base this on it being assigned the number 27; I had book 44 and it is dated 1947.    My book is in rather poor shape, which I always hope is from creative use and not neglect.   The binding in no longer intact, it is dogeared along the edges and the back page is missing.   But, I can still share (all but the back page) with you !      Because of the condition, I've not copied to a PDF file to put the entire book in my shop.   I have put some of the individual patterns in my shop, and others in the Free Patterns section here in the blog.   In these cases, you'll see the reference and links under the pattern description. 

Enjoy the vintage pattern show !
Star Pearl Cotton Book
Although I do not see an advertisement indicating this is a direct promotion for their Star Pearl Cotton Threads (other than the book name), all of the patterns call for the threads. 
Girls Knitted Sweater Pattern
 Knitted Sweater 2701 - This cute little square neck sweater is sized for 2 - 3 year olds.  It is knitted with one pair Steel Knitting Needles No 1.   You'll also need 4 small buttons for the shoulder closure. 

Baby Set 2702 - "Tie this beribboned Dwarf Cap on your chubby off-spring.   Match it with the simple-to-make jacket and booties".   This is crocheted with a Steel Crochet Hook No 8.   Your also need little buttons and some narrow ribbon.
Knitted Dress 2703 - "She'll look charming in this dress with its pattern waistline - especially smart in cream with blue".    The dress is sized for a girl between 2 - 3 years.  This is knitted with 1 pair Bone Knitting Needles No 1.  You will also need 5 small buttons.  

Crocheted Dress 2704 - "The button down front style copies mommy's - the large lacey stitch goes very quickly".  This girls dress is sized for 2 - 3 years.    To crochet this dress, you will need a Steel Crochet Hook No. 9 and 6 small buttons.

Elephant 2705 - Crocheted with a Steel Hook No 7 or 8.  The entire elephant is worked in single crochet.
Ball 2706 - Stitch up this fun toy with  1 Crochet Hook Size 6 or 7.
Doll - 2707 - Crochet her with a a Steel Hook No 7 or 8.   You'll also need buttons.

     Doily 2708 - This pretty piece measures about 14 inches in diameter.   You'll need a Steel Crochet Hook No 8.

  Doily 2709 -  This oval doily is created with a Steel Crochet Hook No 9 or 10.    It measures about 10" by 13".  

  Luncheon Set 2710 - The little doily luncheon mats are created using a Steel Crochet Hook No. 7.   Each doily measures about 12.5" by 15.5". 

 Luncheon Cloth 2711 - This elegant tablecloth measures 36" x 36" and it crocheted with a Steel Hook No. 9.  Each motif measures about 3.5".

Pot Holders 2712 through 2715 - All four of these potholders are crocheted with a Steel Hook No. 8. 

Hot Plate Mats 2716 - Create these mats, either in circular or oval form, using a Steele Crochet Hook No 4 or 5. 

"Conservation of leather is no hardship when these lovely bags can be made so simply and inexpensively.
Crocheted Bag 2717 - Crocheted with a Steel Hook No 6.    You will also need a plastic bracelet and a 12 inch zipper.
Crocheted Bag 2718 - Created this little drawstring style bag using a Steel Crochet Hook No 7 or 8.

 Knitted Glove 2719 - These are sized medium and created with 4 double pointed Steel Knitting Needles No. 14.
Crocheted Glove 2720 - These gloves are medium to large (depending upon the hook).   They are crocheted with a Steel Hook No 7 or 8.

Star Stitch Crocheted Vest 2721 - What a unique piece !   It is crocheted with a Steel Hook No. 7.   The vest is sized 12 - 14.

Gadget 2722 - Gadget is an interesting name for this little heart sized pin.  It is crocheted with a Steel Hook No 7 or 8.

Acorn Gadget 2723 - This pin, with crocheted acorns is put together with the aide of a belt buckle and a safety pin.   The acorns are created  with a steel hook No 7 or 8.
And, that's it.   At least, to my knowledge.   I read (online of course) that this booklet is 22 pages.  I have 20 of them.   I assume the last inside cover would be the advertisement for the cotton thread, or possible an advertisement for their other books.  The back page is typically the same as the front with American Thread, but once in awhile they surprise me.     When I come across another issue, I'll update the listing. 

Did you catch the historical reference in here?   It's under the purses -- "Conservation of Leather".   This would, of course, be due to the wartime effort ... all those belts, holsters, shoes for our service men.

Sometime in the future, I'll process the patterns in this book for  the shop.   If there is something here you've been searching for, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for dropping by,

Friday, July 22, 2011

Crochet Doilies Coats Clark Book 516

This Coats and Clarks Book is all about Crochet Accessories, mostly for the home, using a variety of techniques ... regular crochet, tatting, filet, swedish weaving.   Here, they are including the NEW WOVEN CROCHET.    Perhaps a little overkill in the technique department, however, I know they had to catch everyone possible at the checkout.     This book, vintage 1957, contains an assortment of home decor accessories.     Here, let me show you.
Coats and Clarks Book 516 
Featured on the cover .. 
S-959:  Tulip Garden Doily

The inside cover adds a light sense of humor to the pattern mix.

Crochet Doily Pattern, Sea Spray S-950

 S-950:  Sea Spray Doily with a 6 point star central motif and lovely ruffle all the way around.  This is a centerpiece at 22 inches in diameter.

Sea Shell S-951 Crochet Doily Pattern with Plastic Center

S-951:  Sea Shells - 8 piece luncheon set.  The page header -   "Never let it be said that crochet is not adaptable!   Here it appears teamed up with smart plastic doilies to make attractive informal place settings".  In other words, you take a small standard plastic doily and then add additional rows to give an updated and interesting look.
Plastic Centered Crochet Pansy Doily Pattern
S-952:  Pansy Patch Doily is created using a Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No 6.   This design is the border only, the center being a plastic doily.  I'd imagine this pretty pansy border could yield quite a few decorative options. 

Crocheted Tea Cozy Pattern, Vintage 1960s
S-953 Tea Cozy and S-954 Toaster Cover and Pot Holder.  To create these, you will need Millwards Steel Crochet Hooks No. 2/0 (double zero) and No 7.  

Filet Crocheted Nautical Chair Set Pattern
S-955:  Caravel Chair Set is Filet Crochet in a viking nautical theme. 
S-956 - 23rd Psalm Wall Hanging, a beautiful piece of wall art that is worthy of becoming an heirloom.  

S960 - S964:  Woven Crochet patterns for a rug, basket cover, seat pad, coaster cover and pot holder. 

S-965:  Hot Plate Mat and Napkin Holder are created using Milwards Steel Crochet Hooks No 2/0 (double zero) and No 7.  

S-966:  Swedish weaving (a form of embroidery) worked on huck toweling.  

More Swedish Embroidery
S-967:  Bird Cage Cover includes chart for the embroidery as well as measurements to create measurements for the bird cage cover itself.  
S-968:  Hostess Apron 

Vintage Rippled Crochet Slippers Pattern

S-969:  "A pair of snug slippers to pamper your weary feet after working hours are over".  They feature an interesting stripe design and wavy scallops all the way around the top. 

Vintage Crocheted Utility Bag Pattern

S-970:  "A roomy carry-all that holds all you could possibly need for a day in the city or at the short".  Crocheted with a Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No 2/0 (double zero).    You'll also need buckram and lining, fasteners.   The actual size is not stated. 

Back Cover to Coats Clarks Crochet Pattern Book No 516
Shown on the back cover ...
S-957:  Pineapple Edging.
S-958 - Pineapple Nosegay Doily
S-959 - Pineapple Motif
All three are crocheted with a Milwards  Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

So, what do you think?    Too much variety within one book?

When looking through this book, I came up with two questions to put on 'My Wondering' List.
  • Was woven crochet really introduced in 1957, and 
  • Where did ladies purchase these magazines ... checkout lane at the grocery or in sewing shops, or ?  
I went and did a Google on these two questions, and although a huge number of results came back, I didn't readily see anything resembling an answer.   Feel free to educate me, should you know.

I've listed a number of the patterns above individually as noted by the links under the pictures.

Thanks for dropping by,

Monday, July 18, 2011

Modern Granny Square Crochet Free Pattern

It's Vintage; It's Modern.   It's a 'modern' Granny Square Afghan pattern from a vintage issue of The Workbasket.   This lovely made the front cover of the October 1966 issue.

Vintage Crocheted Granny Square Afghan

Now, as I've commented on a variety of occasions, I don't know how to crochet (although it's planned for this fall when my crocheting friend returns).  What always amazes me is the varying size of a crochet pattern.    In this same issue, there is small angel wall piece (12" x 7") that has several pages worth of pattern details, while this one, has just two small columns.   And ... it measures 62 x 67 without the fringe !   Go figure that.

Thanks for dropping by,

Friday, July 15, 2011

Girls Knitted Pixie Hat, Free Pattern

Now, here's a cute Pixie hat that I found hiding out in an old issue of The Workbasket.       I'd think that a young girl might find a hat like this delightfully fun.   

Workbasket Knitted Pixie Hat Pattern

Some might think that the Pixie portion is just a might short; but I think NOT.    It's respectfully perfect for a young girl.   Perhaps your girl might like one.

If you make one up, I'd sure love to have a color picture to post here with the pattern ... hint, hint, hint. 

Thanks for dropping by,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Doilies Star Book 44 American Thread Co

This American Thread pattern book goes way, way back .... to 1947.  It is Star Book No 44, by American Thread (still under the name of Spool Cotton).   The pattern book was  issue to promote their line of Color Fast (Will Boil) Mercerized Thread.   The book contains 17 different patterns to create doilies; some are crochet and some are tatted.      Hence, the title  ... 
Doilies Crocheted and Tatted 
Front cover of Star Book 44
As typical, the front and back covers showing the delightful pineapple doily selection, are the same.
Sunburst Crochet Doily with Linen Center
No 4401 - Crochet Doily with Linen Center measures 16.5 inches.   The linen centers make doilies the perfect accent for your accent pieces - no stitching to cause anything to be off-balance. 

Crochet Doily Pattern No 4402, Lattice Doily
No 4402 - Lattice Edge Crochet Doily is 9.5 inches - what a delicate beauty!
Crochet Doily Pattern No 4403, Star Doily
No 4403 - 8 Pointed Star Crochet Doily is 9-3/4 and features not just the 8 pointed star, but ample latticework and a pineapple edge. 

Vintage Tatted Doily Pattern
Truly, is there anything more Lacy than a tatted doily ?

No 4404 - Rounded Tatted Doily is 8.5 inches.
No 4405 - Oval Tatted Doily is 11.25 x 8.5 inches.

Vintage Medallion Crocheted Runner Pattern

No 4406 - Crochet Motif Doily is 13 x 9.5 inches.  These diamond points all the way around give this one a 'different than usual' look. 

Crocheted Doily Mat Pattern in square medallions
No 4407 - Motif Crochet Doily is 16 x 11.5 inches is made up with 35 small motifs. 
Crochet Flower Medallion Doily Pattern
No 4408 - Flower Motif Crochet Doily is 15 inches at points.
Crocheted Flower Medallion Doily Pattern, Vintage 1940s
No 4409 - Simple Circle Motif Crochet Doily is 9.75 inches.   This pattern is offered on as a Free Download in my shop. 

Vintage Crochet Pineapple Doily, Luncheon Set Pattern
No 4410 - Pineapple Crochet Doily is 14 inches.   Make it up as an individual piece, or an entire luncheon set !
Scroll Crochet Doily Pattern No 4411
No 4411 - Scroll Crochet Doily is 9.25 inches.  The scroll center has a bit touch of the whirlwind look.

Vintage Oval Doily Crochet Pattern

No 4412 - Oval Crochet Doily is 13.5 x 9.5 inches.

Three Crocheted Doily Pattern, Vintage 1940s

No 4413, 4414 and 4415.  A three small motif doily set; two measuring 4-3/4 inches and one at 5.5 inches.  Use them individually, or connect them together to make assorted cloths of your choosing.   

Flower Bordered Crochet Doily Pattern

No 4417 - Flower Edge Crochet Doily is 12.5 inches. From the center wheel to the daily center flowers and then the full flower edge, this one is lovely.

Although tatted took equal billing to the crochet in the title, it certainly didn't in the book itself with just two patterns.    Although they are all quite lovely, I think my favorite is 4411, the Scroll Doily.

I have listed these patterns individually in my shop, identified by the links under the pictures, should you be interested.

I hope you enjoyed the book review.
Thanks for dropping by,