
Friday, July 22, 2011

Crochet Doilies Coats Clark Book 516

This Coats and Clarks Book is all about Crochet Accessories, mostly for the home, using a variety of techniques ... regular crochet, tatting, filet, swedish weaving.   Here, they are including the NEW WOVEN CROCHET.    Perhaps a little overkill in the technique department, however, I know they had to catch everyone possible at the checkout.     This book, vintage 1957, contains an assortment of home decor accessories.     Here, let me show you.
Coats and Clarks Book 516 
Featured on the cover .. 
S-959:  Tulip Garden Doily

The inside cover adds a light sense of humor to the pattern mix.

Crochet Doily Pattern, Sea Spray S-950

 S-950:  Sea Spray Doily with a 6 point star central motif and lovely ruffle all the way around.  This is a centerpiece at 22 inches in diameter.

Sea Shell S-951 Crochet Doily Pattern with Plastic Center

S-951:  Sea Shells - 8 piece luncheon set.  The page header -   "Never let it be said that crochet is not adaptable!   Here it appears teamed up with smart plastic doilies to make attractive informal place settings".  In other words, you take a small standard plastic doily and then add additional rows to give an updated and interesting look.
Plastic Centered Crochet Pansy Doily Pattern
S-952:  Pansy Patch Doily is created using a Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No 6.   This design is the border only, the center being a plastic doily.  I'd imagine this pretty pansy border could yield quite a few decorative options. 

Crocheted Tea Cozy Pattern, Vintage 1960s
S-953 Tea Cozy and S-954 Toaster Cover and Pot Holder.  To create these, you will need Millwards Steel Crochet Hooks No. 2/0 (double zero) and No 7.  

Filet Crocheted Nautical Chair Set Pattern
S-955:  Caravel Chair Set is Filet Crochet in a viking nautical theme. 
S-956 - 23rd Psalm Wall Hanging, a beautiful piece of wall art that is worthy of becoming an heirloom.  

S960 - S964:  Woven Crochet patterns for a rug, basket cover, seat pad, coaster cover and pot holder. 

S-965:  Hot Plate Mat and Napkin Holder are created using Milwards Steel Crochet Hooks No 2/0 (double zero) and No 7.  

S-966:  Swedish weaving (a form of embroidery) worked on huck toweling.  

More Swedish Embroidery
S-967:  Bird Cage Cover includes chart for the embroidery as well as measurements to create measurements for the bird cage cover itself.  
S-968:  Hostess Apron 

Vintage Rippled Crochet Slippers Pattern

S-969:  "A pair of snug slippers to pamper your weary feet after working hours are over".  They feature an interesting stripe design and wavy scallops all the way around the top. 

Vintage Crocheted Utility Bag Pattern

S-970:  "A roomy carry-all that holds all you could possibly need for a day in the city or at the short".  Crocheted with a Milwards Steel Crochet Hook No 2/0 (double zero).    You'll also need buckram and lining, fasteners.   The actual size is not stated. 

Back Cover to Coats Clarks Crochet Pattern Book No 516
Shown on the back cover ...
S-957:  Pineapple Edging.
S-958 - Pineapple Nosegay Doily
S-959 - Pineapple Motif
All three are crocheted with a Milwards  Steel Crochet Hook No. 10.

So, what do you think?    Too much variety within one book?

When looking through this book, I came up with two questions to put on 'My Wondering' List.
  • Was woven crochet really introduced in 1957, and 
  • Where did ladies purchase these magazines ... checkout lane at the grocery or in sewing shops, or ?  
I went and did a Google on these two questions, and although a huge number of results came back, I didn't readily see anything resembling an answer.   Feel free to educate me, should you know.

I've listed a number of the patterns above individually as noted by the links under the pictures.

Thanks for dropping by,

1 comment:

  1. Lorrie, thanks for having this web site. I'm looking for some of these books, but now I'm not sure which ones. I have to go to work for now, but I'll browse later! Sarah B
