
Friday, June 3, 2016

Crochet Doilies Pattern Lily Leaflet D-11

I've been working my way through a stack of leaflets the last couple of days.   Near the end, I came across two individual leaflet patterns with the same number.   Now, I've found this a frequent occurrence with the Design Mail Order patterns, but nowhere else.

The case at hand are leaflets from Lily Mills. Leaflets are numbered D-11.

Rock Rose Ruffled Doily is my guess the older of the two.   I'm placing late 1940's, or perhaps early 1950's, based on the paper quality.   It's a lovely ruffled doily, with a repeating rose central motif.
This is followed by:

Pineapple Centerpiece, estimated as early 1960's.   It's a large, 18 inch diameter, beauty with tall proud ruffles.   It also bears the 'Design of the Season' logo, leading me to believe that Lily has a series of leaflets in the series.  I do not, however, have any others .... I'll have to keep a watch.

So, these leave me to ponder.   Was this just a random mistake, an oversight?   Or, will I start seeing pattern number repeats as is done in the Mail Order patterns.   Of course, I don't. know.

Thanks for dropping by for my random musings.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Scintillating Pineapples Crochet Pattern Set

Now, I've written a number of blog posts about Mail Order (Away) patterns, but this particular pattern leaflet was a first for me.
Leaflet T.C. 8 -- where the T.C. stands for True Confession.   Do you remember that magazine (or perhaps you are a current subscriber!).   A magazine with scintillating deemed stories aimed for the young woman; not quite pornography, but certainly not General Housekeeping either.

But, of course, women of this liking would enjoy crocheting as well.  I had just never thought about the magazine offerings being in places other than those periodicals aimed directly at Needlecraft artists.

This is a two page, open fold leaflet, T.C. 8, with two popular patterns, vintage 1950's, from The Spool Cotton Company.  Shown above is Pattern No 7857, a round pineapple daisy luncheon set.

The inside pattern is No 7855, a matching runner is a similar motif that measures 15 x 40 inches.

This pattern leaflet, in PDF form, is available in the shop, should you be interested.

The appearance of this pattern leaflet in my collection stack, makes me wonder what other magazines contracted with the Yarn and Thread companies to feature their pattern as mail-away's.   I'll keep my eyes open, and if you know of others, do let me know.

Thanks for dropping by,