
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Crocheted Doilies Pattern Leaflet 208

In my stack of loose pattern leaflets is American Thread Leaflet 208.

Tucked away in the back cover is the only identifier - American Thread Company - Leaflet No 208.

Now, my first thought is ... I've seen this before.   I'm sure this is already in the shop.  So, off I went to look.   But no ... not actually.  There are certainly similar Pansy Doilies, but not this exact one.  In looking through them, American Thread had  the common theme of the marvelous three color pansy border and the eight section center, but each of the centers have a slight variation to them.

Frequently Leaflet Numbers will tie to the pattern book thee designs came out of.  Off to American Thread Book 208.
Yes, Book 208 has that lovely Pansy Doily, but, it carries a different center motif and the second leaflet doily -- Rose Irish is not in this book at all.

I spent awhile in Google Images trying to identify where this pattern originates and came to a dead in. There are many doily designs, of course, named Irish Rose, not 'Rose Irish' -- No.    It is a beauty, 12 inches in diameter, with those delicate roses all around.     As curiosity is always my cat, I'll have to continue the watch.   I've no doubt it will pop up somewhere.

I've listed these two in the shop, should you be interested.
Pansy Doily 
Rose Irish Crocheted Doily

Thanks for dropping by,

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