
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Crochet Doily Patterns, Star Book 145

The last leaflet of the year -- 2014 -- that I've processed for the shop is  lovely American Thread Book 145.    This book takes us back to 1956, when the ladies were crocheting away while perhaps listening to the most popular songs 'Don't be Cruel', 'Hound Dog', or 'Blue Suede Shoes'.   No, on second hand, who would be able to sit still with The King of Rock and Roll on the record player!   The leaflet is 32 pages and offers up 16 different patterns for our enjoyment.   There is something for all here - knit, crochet and tatting.
American Thread Co., DOILIES, Star Book 145

Pinky:  A crochet fern center that radiates out to floral border.  

Swan Tatted:  American Thread named this piece Swan .. perhaps thinking the pineapples fold out like feathers?   It can be worked at 14-1/2 or 15-1/2 inches.

Sunburst :  These are a colorful affair that should have no problem finding a display point in many a home.  An easy crochet. 

Pansy (on left):  Another variation of the always popular pansy motif.  This colorful bordered piece is 11 or 12 inches in diameter.
Fan (on right):  A pretty flower center that fans out to a delightful shell border.

Dove : A splendid Pineapple doily with wide shells and lace border.

Ivy :  This doily, with Ivy type leaves and yellow flowers is centerpiece quality at 21 or 25 inches in diameter.

Chelsea :  A small set of pineapples, followed by those much larger, surrounded by mesh, culminate at 16 inches.

Violets - Crochet with pink or purple flowers.  Add a second display of  violets for a large doily.

Golden Citrus - A grand display of pineapples and shells.   It is quite glorious in yellow, but I have no doubt equally nice in any color of your choosing.

Quill- Four quadrangles of pineapple motifs make up this pretty 13 or 14 inch doily.
 Marigold:  Starts and ends with pretty marigolds, with pineapples in between.

Valley Lilly:  A proud floral centerpiece doily at 21 or 22 inches.

Cluster Stitch:  Not as petite as it looks at 12 or 13 1/2 inches.

And that's it ... Star Book 145.   What do you think?  The Sunburst design is my personal favorite of the offerings.  And, I think the flowers on the Ivy Doily could be adjusted to make marvelous trim.  

Okay ... on to the next batch of patterns, which will be miscellaneous leaflets and Mail Order Designs, for a week or so. 

Thanks for dropping by,  

Monday, December 29, 2014

The Vintage Crochet Snood Pattern of the 1940s

By definition, the snood comes in two types.    It is either an ornamental hairnet (or fabric bag) worn over the hair at the back of the neck, or wide ring of knitted material that is worn as a hood or scarf.   The second definition applies to more recent times, whereas the classic, or in this case, vintage term is the hairnet.

Although the crocheted snood has been around for centuries, they again gained popularity during World War II.     Snoods are typically an easy crochet project that you can stitch up in just a day or two.  The crochet snoods of the 1940s, with just an exception here and there, were pretty much predictable.  (Albeit Delightful).

 No 2447 - is a long hanging Snood with wide ribbon ties. 

This Perky Snood envelopes the  back of the head with just a small  tie at the top of the head.

Sweet Sue is similar to No 2447 above, but with different thread and hook.

Bow for a Beau, while still a basic snood, has a rather sophisticated flair, which just might be the result of a black, versus white, ribbon.  

And for fun --- Spool Cotton Company called this whimsical hat a snood as well.   Interesting ... quite!   A snood, well no.  

I'm add new patterns to the shop almost every day.   If you'd like to see if more snoods (I have to say, I love the word), have appeared, try this link.  

Thanks for dropping by, 