
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Variations of the Mail Order Rose Crochet Doily

As I have been mentioning, I have found very few instances where one of the mail order patterns (Alice Brooks or Laura Wheeler) are actual duplicates of each other.   So, not exactly the same, but closely related to each other; variations you might say.

Today I came across an example of a lovely Rose Design.

Mail Order Crochet Star and Rose Doily Pattern
Mail Order Design 7327 -  Raised rose motif in an eight point star with diamond motifs between the points.   Made at 13 or 22 inches.

Shell Bordered Rose Crochet Doily Pattern Design 603
Mail Order Design 603 - Raised rose motif in a 6 point star with wheel center, and shell scallops.  Make at 11 13, 18 or 21 inches.

Mail Order Design 507 - Raised Rose in Pineapple Motif with scalloped edges.  Crochet this runner at 12 x 26, or 15 x 32 inches.

The commonality, of course, is the rose.  Exact same rose, with the petal and leaves, in all three patterns with the variations being the number of star points, or scallops, or round versus oval.   Although I have a lot of these Design patterns, there are hundreds more out there (waiting for me to find), and I have no doubt this exact rose will show up again, and again .... and perhaps, even again.

Thanks for dropping by,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Long Plus Size Crocheted Vest Pattern

Here's another example where the mail order pattern appears the same, but ends up 'not quite'.

I saw a post this morning over at Crochet Talk that prompted a look through my ladies crocheted vest patterns.   I was scrolling, when that 'wait a minute' thought occurred .... are these two Mail Order Designs the same, just under different numbers?    A second look as immediately called for.   ( Apparently, I am easily sidetracked and this is an excellent example of why I get so little accomplished in a day).

Mail Order Crochet Vest Pattern for Plus Size Women
Let's see, Mail Order Design 7403, gives us a womans vest, generously sized for busts 38 to 48, worked in V-stitch, with big patch pockets in the front, slightly extended shoulders, below hip length and edging.

Plus Size Crocheted Vest Pattern, Mail Order Design 7569
Whereas, Mail Order Design 7569, also sized 38 to 48, with extended shoulders,  front patch pockets, edging and below hip length.  But, it's worked in shell stitch and open stitch.

I knew there was something else here different as well, but had to look a couple times to catch it.   It's the edging of course.   The edging on Design 7569 is scalloped (as all shell stitched garments will be), and is included at the bottom hem area.

As I go through more and more of these Design patterns, I'm frequently finding close similarities, and I'm sure, before I finish processing all the Mail Order Designs I have pending, there will be more examples of this vest.

Okay, that's it, back to work now.  Thanks for dropping by.