
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sears Roebuck Crochet Pattern in Hearthside Crochet Cotton

This week I'm working on a small stack of pattern leaflets while I learn a new OCR software program.    Second up in the stack was a crochet pattern for a lacy tablecloth.   The real surprise here, for me, was the name on the pattern - SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.

Sears vintage crochet tablecloth pattern

Of the several thousand patterns that I've handled, this is the first time that I've seen one issued with the Sears name.    I did a quick Google on the materials - Hearthside Crochet Cotton - and learned what I should have suspected; it was a brand marketed under the Sears, Roebuck name.  

Hearthside Threads part of Sears Roebuck in the 1950s

Out of curiosity I did a variety of other Google searches looking for Sears, Roebuck knit or crochet patterns.   And, other than a couple references to sold books from Ebay, I found almost nothing.      

Now,  I have a couple hundred loose pattern leaflets stacked up waiting to be worked on.   Perhaps I will find more.   If I do, I'll be sure to come back here and add a note, thus changing the pattern designation for a one-hit wonder, to a growing collection !  

Do you have, or know of these patterns?      Thanks for dropping by.  


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