
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Lily Crocheted Bedspreads, Book 8-B

True to the title, this pattern book is all bedspreads.   It is Lily Book 8-B; Crocheted Bedspreads.   The publication, as is typical with many of the vintage pattern books, has no indication as to release date.   I started the investigation and the first entry I found said 1915.  Well, I don't think so ... the color and paper quality alone would quickly rule that out.   So, I continued the hunt; the closest I got was Lily Book 7b, which was issued in 1937.  So, let's call this 1937 / 1938 time frame.   In this beauty are 10 patterns. 

No 809 Star and Wreath graces the front cover.  A floral delight with a star in the middle of each block.

No 800 Pattern Blocks and Bands is 78 x 104 inches.   Pretty pinwheel flowers, chevron bands, 
lush fringe; a lovely piece indeed. 

No 801 - Stripes Imperial Bedspread is 81 x 102 inches.  This motif comes off clean and simple; romantic in its appeal. 

No 802 Tumbling Blocks is made of 16 x 20 inch blocks to form a spread 
that is 84 x 105 inches.  The design has a touch of 'fun' going on. 

No 803 Winding Path or Bared Window, marvelous design right down to the fringed ends.   I don't know the history, but this design is know by two different name.  Such interesting staggered fringe. 

No 804 Triangle Bedspread; three triangle motifs joined to form the 77 x 98 inch spread. 

No 805 Fans Bedspread with delightful flower clusters is 81 x 102 inches. Victorian perhaps, but so interesting and dainty.

No 806 Spearhead is an interesting block motif at 86 x 106 inches - what an interesting mix of elements.
No 807 Filet Medallion Bedspread.  Make to your desired size to add a touch of feminine to your bedroom.
No 808 Flower Design Bedspread; perfect beginners project for your first bedspread that will give you pleasing satisfaction for years to come. 

And the back page gives us an advertisement for the threads called for in the spreads.  

Start to finish, the 10 selections here are excellent.   All intriguing and 'just have to take another look' designs.   Most of the patterns would easily be converted to tablecloths, runners and scarves.  One of the Wreath and Star Blocks, all alone, would be an attractive piece of framed wall art.    

Again .... lovely .... absolutely lovely. 
Thanks for dropping by, 

Butterfly Chair Set, Mail Order Crochet Pattern

I was just processing a mail order pattern for my shop - Alice Brooks 7170.  While proofing the pattern, I kept thinking "didn't I just do this pattern".  But, since I check to make sure I don't do the same patterns twice, I knew that not to be the case.   I went on the hunt to clarify the situation.

I currently have four different patterns in the shop for crocheted butterfly chair sets.  Interestingly enough, all 4 are mail order patterns.   They are ...

    • It is the last two (Design 7170 and 7111) that I thought were the same.   Well, almost, but not quite.   The butterfly chair back section is the same (although pattern wording has slight differences), but the arm rests have slight differences in the outer pineapples.   The other two are distinctly different. 

      There are other mail order crochet butterfly sets out there that I've not yet been able to add to the collection.  When I do get them, I'll come back and update this email so we can continue looking at the differences. 

      Thanks for dropping by. 

      Monday, January 6, 2014

      Pointers for Crocheting and Knitting

      This book, magazine style, came to me in a lot of goodies I purchased off of Ebay some time back.   I logged it in and placed it in the ever growing stack of my collection.   Over the last couple months, I find I keep moving it back towards the top of the stack; believe it's something about the bright red cover that kept grabbing my attention.
      Tips and Patterns for Knitting and Crochet, a Needlecraft Magazine

      This is a bit of a mystery book it's not really branded, nor a specific magazine.  You know, like American Thread or Bernat ... long time yarn manufacturers that put out pattern books to support their yarn sales, or Smart Knitting Magazine.

      This pattern booklet says its published by successors to Home Arts and Needlecraft Magazines and the publisher is Newbold Ely.  Published by successors?   There's also reference to this being a companion pattern book to the Knitting Knowledge book series, also published by Newbold Ely.

      Pointers for Crochet and Knitting, Knitting Knowledge

      This pattern booklet was issued in 1947.   Although there are some good patterns here, as well as some delightful photos, it was not a high quality publication.   The pictures are a bit grainy and overall dark, and I'm sure the 50 some years have not been that kind as well.

      There are around 45 patterns in the book.   I put 30 some in the shop; the rest were not up to muster.  Most the patterns are for sale, however, a small handful are listed as free downloads.  It's a usual selection for a magazine style offering of this time period ... doilies, children's wear, pullovers, afghans, etc.  Here, let me show you a few.

      Vintage Plaid Jacket Pattern for Little Girls

      Knitted Childs Sleeveless Pullover Pattern

      Knitted sleeveless slip-over for our little girls with twin cable stripes down the front.  Toddler size 4 and girls size 8.  

      Vintage Crochet Flower Medallion Pattern, flower motif

      Floral Medallions for bedspreads and scarves - 5-1/2 inches each, with small fill piece.

      Vintage Beginners Afghan Crochet Pattern, Easy Stripes with Fringe

       Cartoon of woman knitting from 1930s

      And, tucked onto one of the pages, is this marvelous clip of a woman knitting for her (probably away) military husband.  ((Remember, the year here is 1947 )). 

      Another feature in the back of the book was a small section of the knitted and crochet pattern stitches used in the book.   I've added an album to my facebook pages to start capturing the pattern stitches.   If you'd like to see, here is the Crochet Pattern Stitch Link, and this is the Knitted Pattern Stitch Link. 

      If you'd like to some of the patterns that I listed, follow this link .... Pointers for Crochet and Knitting.   I went out and Google'd the companion books, and Geez ... would I like to have them as well.   But, maybe one day, there are still a good 200 other books in my collection waiting for me to do something with them !

      Hope you enjoyed the brief review.   Thanks for dropping by.
