
Friday, April 12, 2013

Linen Doilies Crochet Patterns

Of the many different doilies, I think the linen doily is the most functional.    I have very little table or shelf space in my home for display, so everything has to have a plan.   Say, I'm going a flower vase one the sofa table, how could I do that on a doily like this.
Pineapple Doily Pattern, Mail Order Design 898
See, even the photographer of this Pineapple beauty knew that you couldn't cover up this beauty, and staged that tiny little vase over in the corner.   (What is it ... like 3 inches wide?).

But, a linen doily ... well yes.  A linen doily would work wonderfully under a large flower vase.

Mesh Edging Crochet Pattern for Linen Doily
Put the large base on the linen and no guilt complex about covering up the design.
Linen Doily with Ruffled Mesh Crochet Edging
Or put your flower pot on this one and if it drips and leave a little stain, no problem.   Just wash and put the same old plant right on it.

Well, you've probably got the point.  And, just in case you'd like to follow through on it, I have several listed in my shop as free downloads and a whole bunch more at the usual $3.00 charge, should you care to look. 

Thanks for dropping by,


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