
Friday, March 9, 2012

Lacy Crocheted Jabot, Free Pattern

According to the Free Dictionary, a jabot is a frill or ruffle on the breast or throat of a garment, originally to hide the closure of a shirt.   (Which, depending upon the level of your sewing skills, can be a downright good idea).    I'm generally not into a ruffled neckline, as it find it irritating, however, the jabot is an entire different story.  

I came across this particular jabot in the 1947 issue of Woman's Day Crochet Annual.

Now the picture is not great (it was one of those little 2 x 4" squares in a magazine), but it does show the delightful frilly prospects.  Finished it measures 6 inches long and would be ready to stitch onto whatever garment you desire.    Or ... perhaps you could branch totally out of the box, and put a row of three across the side of handbag, or create 2, fold over, place end to end and create an entirely different collar.

In case you are interested in giving it a geaux (I'm in Louisiana), I've listed the pattern as a Free Download in my shop.

Thanks for dropping by.

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