
Friday, May 27, 2011

Pineapple Pageant Doilies Pattern, Clarks Coats Book 252

Here we go, all the way back to 1948 ... The Spool Cotton Company, under the name of Clark's,  J&P Coats, brought us Pineapple Pageant, Book 252.   This book brings us a delightful array of vintage (literally) pineapple doilies.   There are 12 patterns in total and, just like the title would lead you to believe .... they are pineapple doilies.   If you are one of the many pineapple motif fans, you should enjoy looking at these.  Here, let me show you !

Pineapple Pageant, Book No 252
The front cover previews D-127, shooting star  -- see below, as I've obviously
scanned the back cover twice. 

 D-127 - Shooting Star - 11" x 16" - This doily, made in two circular sections features five point star surrounded by pineapples and the wide row of ruffles. 

 D-125 - Sundial - 13" in diameter is in a sundial design with pineapple themed hands (of time). 

  D-126 - Cornfield - 14.5" in diameter.  I'm not sure where the Cornfield comes into play for the title, but it certainly does have plenty attractive pineapples.

 D-118 - Whirlwind created using pineapple motif measures 12 inches square.  Add to the the deep ruffled doily for a real winner.
D-117 - Palm Fronds - 12.5" in diameter - waving in the air (around the linen center) just as pineapple fronds might. 

 D-115 - Cloverleaf - 11" across center from point to point.  Here you have pineapple motifs 
within the four leaf clover. 

D-123 - Kingfisher's Nest - 10" in diameter.  I'll admit that I'm taking 'their' word on whether or not this resembles a kingfisher nest, as I don't know what they look like, but the pineapples here are lovely and the mesh is ample. 
 D-119 - Thistledown - 15" in diameter, including the tall and proud roll of ruffles. 

 D-121 - Flower Patch - 14" square has four flowers with pineapple petals and a deep lacy
ruffle all the way around. 

 D-124 - Ruffle Cascade - 21" in diameter.   Look close, in addition to the pineapples there 
is actually an inner ruffle as well. 

 D-120 - Pineapple Trellis - This small, 8.5" square, doily is quite elegant with the
single pineapple flower on a mesh trellis and simple ruffle. 

 D-116 - Sunburst - 11.5" in diameter.   Did I hear a WOW?   Doily is sun shaped, with
12 counted pineapples to mark the times of day. 
D-122 -  Flowering Pine, graces the back cover.  At 13 inches, we have a pineapple flower center with loose pineapple petals in the corners, along with scallops and mesh.  Note:  This pattern, as published contains error and is not workable.

I've reformated these doilies to PDF format and they are available in my shop - just follow the links below the pictures.     This is quite a time consuming task, and I spend a lot of time with each book.   Going through this one, I kept coming up with two consistent thoughts .... besides absolutely lovely, of course.

1) - D119 - Thistledown:  I can't find an identifiable pineapple here.  Perhaps a skinny bottom, but certainly not a complete pineapple.   It's a lovely doily, yes ... pineapple, no.
2) - D123 / Kingfisher Nest.   I was not sure what a Kingfisher nest was supposed to look like, so I did a couple image searches, and - not even close.

I have little crochet skills, so I cannot much comment much past this on these pieces.   All I know is they are exquisite.  I'd think if you can make these, you must be truly talented and patient.  (That's assuming they are difficult with all those tiny stitches!).

The only thing I do know about these, is when I was a girl, once in awhile my mother would make me dust.   And, when I'd lift up on of her doilies, the pattern would be outlined in the dust; the negative you might say.  (I suppose she should have made me dust more often !).    Anyway, they are lovely.

Thanks for dropping by,

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